All in all, none of them look gamebreaking and fit in well enough within the original, un-forgotten empires.

Indians have camels and elephants while the most interesting thing about Italians is that they give their allies the ability to hire Condotieros infantry (supposedly good against gunpowder units). Incas, on the other hand, have no cavalry, but their elites have spears so long that all pikemen start looking for pike enhancement pills. Slavs, for example, gain to do AOE (hehe) damage. So, what else is new? How about the titular “forgotten empires”? Now, there are more obscure ones out there – in, say, Civilization V – but we can pretend that nobody has ever heard of Magyars, Indians, Slavs, Incas and Italians. I would know, I tried making missions on Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds and that's just Age of Empires IN SPACE. Also? The missions were very obviously made on the map editor by people who might not have been that experienced with it. So, continuing with the good trend, the game adds a few challenging campaigns of its own.

It was way more serious than Age of Empires 3's “let's blast the Fountain of Youth with a big ass cannon” adventures in the New World. Instead, it had a few campaigns that centered around historical personalities. Now, Age of Empires never had a story line, what with being historical strategy game. Well, guess what, children! After the re-release of Age of Empires 2 as AoE 2 HD, it got an expansion pack! Forgotten Empire started out as mod, but now it's a full on official AoE 2 HD goodness.

Ages, I tell you! Back then I was so young and was never able to win a deathmatch, Spearman were the funniest soldier ever and I had difficulty comprehending the use of right mouse button.